Vehicle Sales

On these pages you will find sales statistics for light vehicles (less than 3500kg) and heavy vehicles (above 3500kg). The statistics record, by month and year, the number of vehicles sold by marque (sometimes referred to as brands) – eg Ford, Nissan, BMW etc. More detailed statistics can be sourced from the Association by model and sub model. The tables record actual vehicle registrations with data sourced from the NZ Transport Agency Motor Vehicle Register.

Passenger Vehicle Registration Statistics Year to Date

On these pages you will find sales statistics for light passenger vehicles (less than 3500kg). The statistics record, by month within year, the number of vehicles sold by marque (brand).

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Commercial Vehicles Registration Statistics Year to Date

On these pages you will find sales statistics for light commerical vehicles (less than 3500kg) and heavy trucks and buses. The statistics record, by month within year, the number of vehicles sold by marque – eg Toyota, Hino, Kenworth etc.

Light Commercial vehicles are goods vans and utes.  Heavy vehicles are any vehicle over 3500kgs gross vehicle mass (GVM).

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1975 Onwards Registration Data Series

The MIA 1975 onwards Sales series contains information on registrations by month by year of new and used vehicles. The spreadsheet has several pages:

The MIA 1975 onwards Sales series contains information on registrations by month by year of new and used vehicles. The spreadsheet has several pages:

  • Total Market for both new and used imports - this shows the total market by year for passenger vehicles (cars and SUVs) and commercial vehicles (light commercials such as goods vans and utes and heavy vehicles such as trucks and buses).  
  • Fleet numbers since 1963 onwards by vehicle type 
  • Total all new vehicles per month by year
  • Passenger cars, new and used by month and year
  • Total passenger cars new by month
  • Total passenger cars used by month
  • Commercial vehicles new and used by month by year
  • Total commercial vehicles new by month, and
  • Total commercial vehicles used by month


Top 15 Monthly Sales Table

Each month the MIA produces a monthly sales table that shows the top fifteen makes and models by:

  • marques, including passenger and commerical vehicles, eg Holden, Toyota, BMW etc
  • passenger vehicles by marque
  • commercial vehicles by marque
  • passenger vehicle by model
  • commercial vehicles by model
  • rental vehicles by month and year to date, and
  • segmentation statistics

The figures in the MIA monthly sales tables are slightly different to those in the 1975 registration data table and the NZTA tables attached above.  The reasons for this are:

  • The monthly sales table contains information on a monthly and year-to-date basis.  The year-to-date figures are adjusted each month to correct for de-registrations.  That is, each month a small number of vehicles are incorrectly registered when first sold.  In order to correct these errors it is sometimes necessary to delete the registration (de-register the vehicle) and then re-register the vehicle with the corrected information.  When this happens the vehicle is registered twice as a new vehicle in the NZTA data (once when first registered and again when it is re-registered as a new vehicle).  The MIA does not believe a vehicle should be registered for the first time twice, hence the adjustment.  
  • The 1975 registration data more closely matches the NZTA data, whereas the MIA Monthly Sales Table is a more accurate representation of the actual number of new vehicles registered.

Please note numbers reported in the MIA press release each month are based on Monthly Sales Table where the figures have been adjusted for de-registrations, so more closely matches the actual number of new vehicles sold during the year.


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Hybrid, PHEV and EV Statistics

Generally speaking, cars, SUVs and vans are vehicle types sold in all markets and are first in line for R&D to electrify these types of vehicles. Utes are sold in only a few markets and while popular, tend to be last in line for R&D to electrify them.  We do not expect to see many ute models being electrified within the next 12-24 months.

The terms we use are ICE (internal combustion engine only), Hybrid (uses both a combustion engine and an electric engine which uses regenerative braking to charge the battery - hybrid vehicles do not plug into an external power source), PHEV (plugin hybrid electric vehicle) and BEV (battery electric vehicle).

The MIA tracks new BEV, PHEV and Hybrid vehicles sales by month, year to date and year (from 2015 onwards). Click on the year you want in the table below and then the table for access to this data.

Please note: this table is the last in the series of tables to be updated on our website due to the timing of report generation.

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